        Sunset Arts Gallery
A cooperative venture featuring the work of local artists - located in Grand Bend's Marina District
Watch over Me
Graham Bowden
Riding Hood Rabbit with wolf
Natashja Spenler
Sunset Splash
Janette Baillie
Grand Bend Pier
Natalie Core
Red George
Alan Gillis
Turquoise Heart Necklace
Janice Gillis
Sunset Sky
Jean Grady
Autumn Afternoon - prints available
Ann Fullerton
Hard Maple Burl form
David Hudgel
Willem (Bill) Nieuwland
Jen Noakes
Vicki Miles
Wrap Yourself in A Grand Bend Sunset
Barbara Helen Pickett
A Spring Revival
Katherine Rawlings
"Algonquin Ridge"
Mary Lynn Smith
Forest LIght  30x40 acrylic SOLD
R. Jean Taylor
Anne Thornton
Ginger and Bill Weber
Laura Wright